Special skills

Why is having a specific skill going to be important to having a successful career?

Having a specific skill when you’re going into a specific college is important because it will help you and it will make it easier to learn. It will make learning and doing work easy.  Having a special skill can help you in college.

Just ice

When I watch this video called ” All lives matter” it made me think. I thought about how people can be so unfair and that everyone should be treated the same. I say this because everyone is equal and if a certain people get treated different I think it is not right. In conclusion, the video ”all lives matter” made me think all these reasons.

Prince ea

This video really inspired me because it talked about living out your dream. I think a lot of people don’t live out their dreams so if you live out your dream you will be so happy. Everyone has dreams and not everyone thinks that they can do it so they won’t try. This video also makes me want to follow my dream as well. It makes me think that I to can complete my dream.

8 songs about meh

– If I had 12 songs about me They would be ”Food 24/7”

– “Soccer4ever”

-“2 dogs”

-”mad Mondays”

-” Tomboy”

-” Surfing the waves”

-” I’m da best”

-” I like chips”

I’m a music artist

If you were a music artist, what kind of music would you produce?  What artist would you be most like and why?

If I was a music artist I would produce pop music because that’s the kind of music I listen to. I would be like a mix of Halsey and Kiiara because I like how they write there lyrics

About me

In my family I’m the oldest in my family out of two children. I have have a younger brother and I have two dogs named coco and murphy. In my school I’m a student in the 7th grade and I’m in team 2. I’m quiet most of the time and I listen and do all my homework. In my community I’m girl that live in Kahului and helps out at my church.

I enjoy going to the park and walking my dogs,I like playing soccer, and I like going to the beach and spending time with my family.

I want to learn how to ride a motorcycle and how to have perfect penmanship

When I graduate I wan to go to college at Stanford university and play on their soccer team.

My long term goal is that I want to be a pro soccer player.

personality test -ESFP

Do you think the personality test was accurate?

Yes, I think the personality test was accurate because I do a lot of these things in real life. In the personality test it says that people that  are Espfs  jump from thought to thought in mid sentence. I do this a lot in real life when I’m talking to people. Like I could be talking about watermelons and then end up talking about unicorns. The description also said that almost all espfs love to talk. This is very true, I love to talk every where I go I have to talk or I will pretty much explode. So yes this personality test was accurate.

Did it really describe you? Explain.

Yes, because I do most of the things that the description said. Like when it says that people like me talk we jump from sentence to sentence which I do all the time when I talk. The description all so says that people like me like to talk a lot which is true I like to talk a lot on any subject or whatever my friends or other people are talking about.  So I think that the personality test really described me.

What did you learn about yourself taking the test?

I learned what kind of person I am is a person that likes to be surrounded by people. I also learned about how I act around people. Like how I talk and how act around people. I learned that I like to be social. Half of the things that was listed I sort of knew that is how I am. So that’s what I learned about myself from the description.